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Information About Grades

  • Review Grades:

Students may obtain their grades by going online to BroncoDirect. Grades are available approximately five days after the end of each term.


  • Errors in Grades:

Students who suspect an error in their grades must contact their instructors to request a change of grade.  All requests for grade changes must be initiated by the instructor.


  • Report in Progress (RP) and Report Delay (RD):

Beginning the end of the fall 2011 term, RP and RD grades that have exceeded the time limits stated below will be changed to NC grades.  For more information, click on the RP or RD links below.

Conversion of RP and RD Grades - EO 1037 states that RP (report in progress) grades shall be replaced with the appropriate final grade within the appropriate time limits, and that RD (report delayed) grades should be replaced by a substantive grade as soon as possible. The Chancellor’s Office has asked all campuses to put procedures into place to convert RP grades to another grade after the time limit has expired and to convert RD grades to another grade within a short period.


  • Grade Appeal Process:

Under the provisions of Executive Order 320 and Cal Poly Pomona's Student Complaint Procedure, students may appeal grades that they consider to be unfair.  In the appeal process, however, it is a basic presumption that the grades assigned to students are correct.  Thus the burden of proof rests with the student.  For additional information on this process, please refer to the University Catalog.


University Catalog - Academic Policies (Grade Appeals Policy and Procedure)